In the last post I wrote what is prana/life energy. Now I will briefly discuss the factors effecting life energy. Again this not just a theoretical or philosophical study rather an experiential discovery. After a careful experiment (on myself), broadly there are 3 things that have a profound effect on the life energy or in other words the state of our mind and body.

2.Yoga/Breathing Exercises/Meditation: This is a great way to unwind and bring the mind to its source which is joy and happiness. Yoga is not just extreme physical postures but is the synergy of physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of a persons life. Similarly, pranayama or breathing exercises are a great way of vacuuming the mind. And last but not the least meditation will help to conserve all the energy we build by yoga and pranayama and be centered and grounded. I have researched a lot about the various yoga/meditation programs in market and finally zeroed on the Art of Living Course. This program is holistic as it works on 7 layers of existence namely - body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego, soul/consciousness. So if you are mulling on the idea to meditate, take the course ASAP.....-:).
3. Outdoor Activity: It is always a nice idea to spend some time outdoors - taking a long walk, running, tossing a frisbee. I believe it is a nice break from our mundane routine, moreover it just freshens the mind. To increase employee creativity and effieciency some of the companies like Google, Thermo Fischer etc encourage outdoor activities (during office hours). And anyway is is always nice to have that rush of oxygen in the system.
So why don't out go ahead and try this out for 21 days and let me know how it feels...
Yours Truly
So why don't out go ahead and try this out for 21 days and let me know how it feels...
Yours Truly