of time has elapsed since I wrote a post, for reasons both personal and
professional I was not in the correct mindset to pen things down. I went
through many interesting and intense experiences resulting in ambivalent
feelings. I will not go into the specific situations, but one thing that I have
concluded is – anything and everything in the world exists only and only if it
is in your experience or in other words theoretical, textbook, and things told
by other people are just information that is fed and can nowhere be equated to
real leaning. And so here is the 1st set of my learning’s:
1. No
person can be labeled good or bad based on how they behave with you. Its all
the about the time, at times people who you think are friends may behave like
enemies and vice versa. The key here is not to get personal and emotional and
look at things objectively. Keeping this in the mind helps us to see at the
overall picture and not get caught up with individuals. And if there are people
who are vindictive, malicious, and avaricious I would just advice to stay away
from these individuals because there are tons of better things you can invest
your precious time in, that’s a choice that you have always.

Emotional, social, or financial dependence on other people puts you at the receiving
end, which can be very crippling and detrimental to your personal outlook and
growth. I am not suggesting to be antisocial, but the point here is to share
your happiness not seek happiness from external sources. Because no matter what
you do outside situations, things, and people will never behave the way you
want them. Intelligent people fix themselves i.e. work on inner technology not
the other way round.
Meditate, meditate, and meditate. Yes meditate everyday, especially people who
do have intense jobs that require use of mental horsepower. To explore the
effects of meditation on my mind and body I did a small experiment, i.e.
practiced meditation on a regular basis for 4 months and then stopped doing it
for 3 months. Here is are my observations on benefits of regular meditation :
recharges, resets, and restores body and the mind
builds a reservoir of energy that you may have use in adverse situations or in other words makes you feel strong not just be strong
makes you more aware, alert, and efficient in daily work
4. For
many people work fills a large part of the vacuum in life. Hence choose a job
that you are passionate about. If you can get one, it’s the best things that
can happen. Then you are like a self-propelled machine and it is one of the
most fulfilling feelings. If, what you want to do and what you have to do agree
– know that you are blessed!
5. Don’t
react without thought. Sometimes in the heat of moment it is hard to resist and
we snap back. If possible avoid this. I am more than convinced that at times
silence can be golden and is very useful to diffusive an unfavorable situation.
Many times, just keeping mum can do wonders. Whoever said “ You have 2 ears and
one mouth so use the organs in that proportion” was 200% right. When to practice
this will depend on the specific situation.
Bye bye,