So now comes my turn to meet and greet him (President Kalam). Every time I try talking to him either I am interrupted by someone or I am so slow in reacting that other people take his attention. I kept on doing this for 10 min, but nothing good happened; frustrated and dejected I just told my self "What the hell man.....why arent they letting me talk to him...." So then I decide to do something unique that no one was doing.
Now as soon as he turns I call him loudly "President Kalam" and he looks back. I introduce myself and my research. I then politley ask him that can I have an opportunity of a photograph with you, to which he says SURE. I am like YES man this is a sweet. So I get near him and request Andrew (the staff Photographer) to take a pic. By now I was very close to him and I decide to go for it and acting on my instinct I just put my arm over him shoulder. People near him were taken back, Oh my God what is this guy doing, he is not following the protocol and I was just thinking do what your heart says. As they say "Sometimes you gotta do what you have to do". And after the photo I thank him and then I am with hom for the next 1 hour -:). After the vent one of my friends Sumit says " You did not let him go at all". to whcih I said " That is my style".

After this I was mainly standing with him and let other people meet him :-). Occasionally I was taking a few pics for other people and just listening to the conversation he was having with them. One particular thing I observed that he has a very sharp memory. One of the volunteers asked for his autograph and she comes back after 2 - 3 hours and asks for another one, surprisingly he remembered that he had already given one. Luckily, she was getting it for one of her friends and he duly obliged her. But by now he had become so used to my presence that he reads my name ( I had a nme tag on my shirt) and smiles at me and says you have following like a shadow. To which I just smile and blush.

So this was in short a rendevous with The President, who undoublty is a rare combination of intelligence and innocence. His humility, presence and naturalness is something we all should strive for.
Last but not the least I am greatful to Prof. P. Somasundaram for giving us this opportunity and freedom to interact with The President so freely.
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